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Shifting Your Alignment for the Better

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What is Alignment Anyhow?

With all the chatter surrounding the Law of Attraction and vibration, the word alignment comes up often. When you ask most people, they will describe alignment as being lined up with our goals or being in the right place at the right time.

Well,…not exactly.

Not to mention, that definition is extremely vague and not helpful if you are trying to adjust your alignment. And adjusting our alignment is the skeleton key to manifesting more of what we want in this life and less of what we don’t want. The key to creating daily or weekly miracles versus one-off lucky events that are so random we are taken by surprise every time they occur.

Related Reading: Manifesting Practice

Shouldn’t we wake up every morning with positive expectations and simply feel grateful for miracles, not totally off guard and surprised by them?

[bctt tweet=”adjusting our alignment is the skeleton key to manifesting more of what we want in this life and less of what we don’t want” username=””]

How Do I Know If I Am Aligned?

Most of us have felt like a victim at some point in our lives. Like we are continually getting the short end of the stick. Things simply aren’t going our way. If this is currently you, you’re out of alignment. Knowing you are out of alignment is half the battle.

You are truly and positively aligned when you are manifesting on a consistent basis. This doesn’t mean you get everything you want or that you never have an off day. It simply means you consider yourself fortunate and things usually “go your way” or in your favor.

If you are one of those people whose friends are always saying how lucky you are, fortunate you are, or how things always work out for you, chances are high that your alignment is good and you are vibrating at an above average level of awesome.

[bctt tweet=”For most people, alignment comes and goes just like the ocean ebbs and flows. ” username=””]

Sadly, there seems to be a sharp divide between those who have figured out how to bounce back and those who stay stuck in a rut. I’m hoping that the rest of this article will turn that around for you. May the odds be ever in your favor. Cause we all want that right?

If you’re serious about changing your alignment I recommend this Free challenge.

How to Adjust Your Alignment For Better Results

Most of us have struggled with wanting things that seem unobtainable because we are vibrating so low there is no possible way the Universe will bring us that which we desire.

We focus on what we don’t want and believe the things we do want are out of reach. We think and feel from a place of lack.

Emotions and Control. To adjust your vibration and alignment into a match, you need to moderate your emotions and relax your control. If you truly want to level the playing field you’ll have to let go of the “need of the desired object” (emotional) and the “need to know how you’ll get it” (control).

Don’t hear me wrong here. I’m not telling you to give up. The whole point of learning how to manifest better and get aligned is so we draw more good things, people, and events into our lives.

But desperation and neediness always repel.

Stop Being Needy

All of us have been here. We need more money because bills are tight. We feel anxious because we don’t know how we are going to pay for something.

Our emotions are ones of scarcity and lack. And this doesn’t just apply to money. Although that is the most common, it also applies to friendships, love, well-being, self-worth, acceptance, stability, etc. The list is quite extensive.

What makes this difficult is the spiral effect. It feels like the harder we try to get out of a rut, the more we get sucked into it. Like quicksand up to our necks. If we’d just relax, we’d stop sinking and be able to pull ourselves out. But our “fight or flight” instinct tells us to panic and thrash as much as possible. It not only doesn’t work, it keeps us sinking.

So if you are feeling needy about the things you are wanting to manifest, relax and breath.

Stop planning out all the details and freaking yourself out with the how’s and why’s. Like why it won’t work or how you can make it work. Neither approach works.

Replace Neediness with Action

Let’s say you have a desire to manifest a car. Yours is barely running, has left you stranded more than once, and is nearing the end of it’s pitiful existence.

You’ve been freaking out, getting worked up, and panicking about the matter. On the verge of tears many days. Begging for overtime shifts to try and save for something else. Of course, this has likely been derailed because every time you start to save a few hundred dollars, the car breaks down again and your savings are eaten by repairs. Sound familiar?

Here’s what you should do instead. Reign in your emotions. Not gonna lie, this will be difficult in the beginning.

You need to start a good morning routine. Something that includes either prayer or meditation (both is good). This will help teach yourself gratitude and the power of presence. I use mine to set my intention. I won’t get too specific here but YouTube has millions of videos for nearly any scenario.

So if you are looking to clear negative emotions, look it up. There are guided meditations for nearly every possible issue. No need to do this solo. When I first started, I totally sucked at meditation. I still find my mind wanders if I try to do it alone, so guided ones really help. I like Jason Stephenson guided meditations and I follow up with a butt-kicking workout to get the endorphins going.

Not Forced Action, Inspired Action

Next, take inspired action.

This means mentioning to friends and acquaintances that you are looking for a car. You never know how well word of mouth works if you are basking in misery, unwilling to let anyone know you need a little help. This might lead to someone knowing a mechanic who can help you dirt cheap until the Universe is ready to park your newer ride in your drive.

Or maybe a friend of a friend has an extra car they are willing to sell below value. Let the Universe figure out the how.

Yeah, you should put in an extra shift or two if you can, but if not, don’t stress out about it. Emotions play a HUGE role in manifesting and alignment. So don’t let yours run amok.

Get Your Vibes Higher

This step involves cutting negativity from your life and surrounding yourself with as much good mojo as possible.

Yeah sorry, but the soap operas, binge Netflix, daily news, and negative Nancy have got to GO AWAY. The news will suck you dry. Soap Operas are nothing but negative drama. And that one friend who is always complaining, ugh. Maybe later but while you are trying to improve your alignment, you can’t allow the negative leaks and floods.

[bctt tweet=”cutting negativity from your life and surrounding yourself with as much good mojo as possible” username=””]

You want to surround yourself with people who seem luckier than normal, happier than average, and busy in a good way. Not slaving at the office 75 hours a week, but usually trying something new, meeting someone new, or relaxing in ways that don’t involve self-destructing.

You’ll also want to engage in things you know you personally enjoy. I don’t mean huge glasses of red wine and binge dating. I mean healthy hobbies, exercise, or other activities that hold meaning for you.

On the flip side, start saying no to the things you don’t want to do. Obligations are almost always on our own shoulders.

You get what you say yes to.

That board of directors that you sit on, the one sucking up two Wednesday nights a month with non-stop bickering, leaving you drained….DUMP IT. Being in a place or performing a function that you don’t truly want to do serves no one’s best interest.

Chances are pretty high that someone else actually wants that opportunity. Let them have it so you can go do something you love, like take a bubble bath or cook an amazing dinner from scratch.

It’s easier to reign in our emotions when we aren’t stressed to the max.

Start From Where You Are

This is probably the most crucial advice I can give. We aren’t all in the same place. Don’t deny where you currently are.

But don’t make excuses for why you can’t get free from your current circumstance either. If you stay stuck, it’s by choice. As difficult as that is to hear, it is the truth.

If you have $12 in your bank account then trying to manifest $50k in the next 90 days probably doesn’t even seem possible. If you are consistently struggling financially, it’s because you are repeating a pattern that keeps you there. Identify and move forward. Until then….

…. start with something you can actually believe and have faith in. Like a small raise, bonus, or $500.

Maybe it’s a new job, friendship, or skill set.

Here’s the thing. Change does happen overnight. Everything is always in a constant state of change for the negative or the positive. We often don’t realize change is happening because it isn’t always measurable in such short-term.

But if you consistently strive to be the most positive version of yourself each day, I promise you will start to feel and see the change in your alignment and your life.
