
My Offers

Law of Attraction Personality Quiz

Does your personality keep the law of attraction from working for you!? Take this FREE QUIZ to find out! 

Money Mindset Video Series

Is it easier for some to make money than others? This 3-part video series with worksheets delves into your personality and some quick tips to help you jumpstart your financial energy.

Coaching Niches

Coaching Extends so much farther than life coaching or fitness coaching. There are many profitable niches! Plus 5 tips for getting you to a five-figure practice sooner!

5 Ways To Sign Clients

Ditch the Crickets. When you’re sick and tired of filling out ideal client avatars and you’re ready to take attract clients who want to work with you!

Self-Limiting Beliefs Workbook

This 10-page guide is designed to put a rift in your doubts. To challenge that inner critic who is always talking smack. Take back your power now!

Business Plan Workbook

A focused Business Plan will get you results quicker and faster! This guide is meant to assist you in successful foundations, clients, pricing, professionalism, and self-employed proof of legitamacy. Are you ready to start a business? Fill out this guide to get started. $33


A Course In Optimism

A Steal of a Deal on this 7-Week Email Course. Chalked full of simple but effective strategies to improve your outlook and attract better into your life! Your Life Could Completely Change in less than two months! Only $37

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