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The Mindset To Make More Money In Less Time

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More Money? Less Time? Yes Please! We all would love to figure out how to make more money in less time… legitimately. But that starts with a mindset… a mindset to make more money!

Because you could buy a lottery ticket and strike it rich later that day but those odds are not “ever in your favor”.

Surveys, data entry, and “online jobs” are mostly scams and the legitimate ones pay next to nothing.

This blurp is not written for those of you who want to gamble in the stock market, work 3 jobs for mediocre pay, or put in 20+ hours of overtime in the hopes of gaining some ground.

This my friends, is for all of you sick and tired of working for someone else, while trying to build a business online, and you’re looking to take your business next level so you can kick the cubicle walls down for good.

You want to set your own pay, your own hours, and you want to make a thriving business this year, not five years from now!

The Mindset to Make More Money in Less Time

mindset to make more money

1. Change Your Financial Future Fast

You have absolutely got to ditch the childhood beliefs you have around money.

So if you are reading this I’m assuming you are still in the hunt to make more money in less time, which means you are NOT already financially independent?

And the reason you aren’t is that you’re beliefs around money SUCK. It’s sad but true.

Some of us grew up hearing over and over that money doesn’t grow on trees, that the rich are greedy, or that you have to work your ass off to earn a living (try hard). ALL LIES.

Some of us grew up with parents that lived beyond their means, racking up thousands in credit card debt and teaching us how to blow money we don’t even have, and pay it back with ridiculous amounts of interest.

Wanting to ditch these beliefs and actually being able to is another thing. Most people struggle to admit that these thoughts lurk in the dark corners of their minds.

They feel defeated financially before they even start their business. In my FIVE-FIGURE ACCELERATOR program, we go into your money stories and I help you rewrite them and give you easy steps to help you retrain your subconscious to actually BE ON YOUR TEAM, instead of sabotaging you.

We also go over the practical day-to-day things you’d need to do (aka wealthy habits) so you can get this stuff to stick for good and ultimately change your results for the better!

2. Hit your financial reset button

The past is the past. Learn from it and FORGIVE YOURSELF!

We’ve all made financial decisions we regret. But hanging on to these and continually punishing ourselves or reminding ourselves of “that time I really screwed up” do you NO favors.

If you want to make more money in less time, it is CRITICAL that you forgive yourself for your past financial mistakes and allow yourself to move forward.

PERSONAL EXAMPLES: I have built financial independence twice in the past and because of my mindset skeletons that I had not yet dealt with, I lost it both times and had to start over.

Or the time I invested $10k into a private coach who had zero clue how to help me (or anyone for that matter).

I had to shake it off and invested later that year into a different coach…not an easy thing to do after losing $10,000. But I hit reset and made the investment in myself. (you are not investing in a coach, you are investing in you!)

Most people would make dozens of excuses why they simply “couldn’t afford” to invest again. . You have to think differently than that if you want true success or opportunities will slip through your hands.

3. Have to Change Your Money Conversations

We all talk to money.

Most people who are not yet financially independent have some pretty rough conversations with money.

  • Seriously, you just got to my account yesterday and you’re already leaving ?”
  • I can’t believe I have to work another shift this week just to cover my expenses.”
  • You need HOW MUCH for the new basketball uniforms?”

Nearly all of these conversations are negative and ALL the people around us pick up on the subtle phrases we use around money, especially children.

So unless you want to stay financially strapped and pass those beliefs onto our next generation, it’s important to learn how to rephrase nearly everything we think about moolah!

  • I’m so grateful that this truck payment allows me to drive a safe reliable vehicle.”
  • I’m so grateful that I have access to food and supplies that are needed for my well being
  • How lucky am I to live in a country where starting or running a business at the tips of my fingers from my own home is a possibility!”

See my point? Positive money conversations need to become a regular habit in your life.

4. Visualization is a Powerful Tool

Energy has the ability to transform your life. And the good news is that it can be very affordable to increase your energy.

Visualization is key to improving your money in record time because you can visualize what you want, exactly how you want it, pretending you are currently in it, and your energy increases’ free!

And when you show up with super good vibes and you’re on cloud nine, things start lining up in ways you never saw before. ( I sometimes help clients walk through a visualization exercise so they can get the hang of it if they are struggling to feel a genuine shift)

Another way to increase your energy is to make incremental upgrades or spoil yourself with little things that make you feel AMAZING.

This is not you going out to eat every Friday night and have cocktails with your friends when you have $8k in credit card debt. That only brings on guilt.

This is you buying one luxurious bath sheet to use after a shower instead of using your 10-year-old ratty towels that are tearing at the seams and have shrunk so much they barely go around your body.

This is you having a yardsale to declutter your space and using those funds to have a spa day with someone you love.

Maybe it’s simply getting the whipped cream and sprinkles on the shake. Whatever raises your energy, authentically!

5. Stop Buying Stuff That Doesn’t Serve Your Purpose

So you may be thinking this directly contradicts my last point. Not at all.

When I say incremental I mean it. The Universe will not be inclined to give you more money if you are a tightwad. But it also won’t give you more if you spend with reckless abandon.

An incremental upgrade is not trading in your $25 purse for a Chanel handbag that costs you a month’s salary!

Trying to impress people with crap you can’t afford is a recipe for financial failure. And if you’re buying a Chanel bag, IT IS a status thing, because I’ve looked at Chanel bags and they are nothing but a name. In no way are they superior to any other bag and some of them are made so cheap I’m curious as to how someone could fork over ANY money for one!

Money should flow. You never want to be clinging to it like it may be your last dollar ever, nor should you be flinging it about on things that don’t do anything for your energy.

Spend wisely, invest in yourself, give when you can to those who matter to you. Try to think of money as circular.

6. Learn to love money

Money is not the root of all evil, the love of money is. So how can you love money without becoming an Ebeneezer Scrooge?

You can love what Money allows you to do. Philanthropy is an amazing thing. Money can open doors that were closed. You can help people in ways you never dreamed about before….this my friends, will increase your energy in ways you never dreamed possible.

You can give to charities, individuals, and causes that are dear to your heart.

You can skip overtime shifts in lieu of spending more time with your loved ones. You can take time off when those who need you, need you to be around.

7. Raise your mindset on money

We all have a minimum balance in our accounts that starts to make us nervous. Like if your account goes below that amount, panic starts to creep in. You know what that number is.

We ALSO have a maximum balance that creates a similar nervousness. If we get too much in our account, maybe something bad will happen and we’ll lose it all, or something else in our life will go out of whack to balance out the status quo. (It’s all made up junk in our heads!)

Learn to raise the amount that you are comfortable with. Stop accepting that your account is below $90 the day before payday and you have to keep an eye on every purchase.

Stop accepting that the most you could have in your account at one time is $3000. Stop accepting that you can only earn money two days per month.


Learn to raise that number. Don’t be content with “enough to get by“. Don’t be freaked out by abundance. I often tell people that I coach to start with 15%. So whatever the highest balance was the last year, raise that by 15%, and the lowest as well. Make those your new normals for your accounts for the next 90 days and then try another jump.

Final Word: Mindset to Make More Money

You Can Make Money Faster Than You Think

One thing noticed when I ditched my 20’s and entered my 30’s was that the traditional methods of making money were really starting to take a backseat, and that enormous amounts of wealth could be created in record-breaking time.

People I had never even heard of were making 6-7 figures their first year in online business models. Is it common? No, but only because discipline and self-investment/worth are not all that common either.

If you believe in yourself, have an idea, and are willing to invest in a coach/mentor/program (hit me up!) to help you achieve results. You could be hitting your five-figure months in record time!
