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The Easiest Habit That Can Improve Your Life

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Holy smokes I’ve been meaning to write this article for a long time! There really is one habit, the easiest habit above all other habits that can improve your life the quickest. What if you could see a complete shift in your life in seven weeks?

And maybe I shouldn’t use the word easy. Simple yes. Easy…that depends on a multitude of factors. Stay with me here and DON’T SKIM..ACTUALLY READ THE FOLLOWING. It is three minutes well spent.

The Best Habit to Increase Your Wealth

I’ve been coaching for over 15 years. Many of those years were spent in leadership. Teaching others how to lead, step-up, recognize, serve, and pay it forward in ways they couldn’t imagine prior to coaching. And my coaching in leadership nearly always coincided with business. I was coaching business owners, business managers, start-ups etc.

Many of these people came to me with the same questions over and over, especially the women.

“Deanna, how can I make more money without working myself to death? How can I live a more balanced, happy, and fulfilling life? Like, my social life is good and I pray regularly. But I struggle to get caught up with my finances and feel like I have no time for my family. I seem to get sick more than I used to, and I feel empty some days.”

And for the next woman it would be something similar but in different areas. People were looking for that elusive work/life balance thinking that it would ultimately lead to happiness or full-blown bliss. That it would solve all their unmet desires.

The Easiest Habit for to Improve Your Social Life

So here I was, a leadership mentor. I would get up on stage or in front of the group and teach all the leadership stuff I was supposed to be teaching. And the value was great. But people were still desperate for something else. 

People are spending countless years “looking for their purpose” or striving for goals that always seem just out of grasp. So I created something from years of research and listening and packaged it up in a nice little course that costs less than most people spend on coffee in a week.

Optimism Habits

We have five basic walks to our lives.

Spiritual, Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Social.

When these areas are going great. Life is going great. But most of the time we are doing really well in one area, lacking in two or three, and flat out hurting in another. And about the time we fix one area, another starts to slide into the abyss. 

Tony Robbins describes this phenomenon as this: All humans have a blueprint for these five areas. When things are going the way they think they should or have planned out, all is well, but when they are not, life is in chaos.

So we have a few choices here.

Change the blueprint which can entail giving up (what many people do as they slip into despair and defeat), set new goals (sometimes there is nothing wrong with the ones you have), or redefine the approach!

Busting our rumps trying to get the lagging areas to catch up will likely end in some form of a mental or physical meltdown because we’re simply repeating old habits trying to gain a different result. There is an easier route!

After years of coaching I’ve noticed something to be true with little exception. Not because I’m some genius (wink) but because I’ve spent a good amount of time around happy, healthy, well-balanced, multi-millionaires who have pointed it out to me repeatedly.

The Easiest Habit to Improve Your Relationships

The one habit they’ve all learned to cultivate and consciously work at over and over, is optimism.

Optimism is not a once and done kind of thing. The millionaires I interviewed had created simple daily habits they could keep applying over and over to keep their momentum.

I’m not talking about gratitude. Of course gratitude plays into this but many think that gratitude alone will seal the deal. While very important, it’s only a piece of embracing a truly optimistic lifestyle.

As a former pessimist, (that other shoe was always kicking my ass), I can tell you first-hand that embracing a truly optimistic mindset was the one habit that genuinely changed my life. All the areas that were sucking dirt finally started to look up.

So after hearing about this from countless, wealthy, thriving, business peers and mentors, I decided to do some serious digging into the matter.

I researched, interviewed, and inquired. I attended retreats, conferences, and behind the curtain chats.

Here’s what was revealed over and over. People ASSUME that they know how to be or become more optimistic. They believe that they already know all their is to know about the matter and it’s simply something they should “try a little harder” at, or worse, they ASSUME they are already optimistic when if fact, they are undermining themselves consistently.

On the flip side there are also people who are proud of their pessimism and compare it to being a realist, which is another topic for another day.

Here’s the truth. Most people don’t know the simple concepts to being an optimist, or how to apply them.

The concepts behind optimism are not difficult. The strategies and habits that one needs to adopt to become more optimistic are also not difficult. Many people struggle with the simplicity of it. They think if it’s so simple it must not be effective. 

To which I would reply, “Have you ever given a child a hug or watched their face light up with joy when you hand them an ice cream cone?” Simple is underrated.

What If You Could Turn Your Life Around In Weeks?

I created a seven week drip style e-mail course for improving and cultivating optimism (the easiest habit to change your life). The course is simple. Each week I give out very simple tasks that are the foundation for a truly optimistic mindset and lifestyle

It looks like this: Email, 3-5 minutes of reading. 2-5 simple tasks to try for the following seven days. (You choose which ones, or all of them, it’s mostly up to you, but if you want results, I recommend following them all) You can do these in under 15 minutes a day. At weeks end you fill out a reflective worksheet. Each week builds on the last…and did I mention you get email support worth 10x the course itself?

What if you could see a complete shift in your life in seven weeks?

YOU CAN and all for less than what you’d spend on coffee in a week or a single lunch with a friend.

I didn’t even make a sales page for this course because I wanted to keep it simple just like the course. 

A glimmering $5.25/week can change your outlook and your circumstances.

A pessimist will stop right here and say things like, “It’s too good to be true. What’s the catch? If this really worked it wouldn’t be so affordable.” And I urge you to get over it and jump in because if you are a pessimist, you need this course more than someone who is simply struggling to be optimistic at the moment.

It really is simple. And I keep it affordable because I want everyone to be able to use these principles if they are really sick and tired of sick and tired.  Just because it is simple doesn’t mean it will be easy. Some of these principles and tasks took me months of trial and error before I could do them without hesitation or doubt

Your Life Could Completely Change in less than two months! You can turn a major corner for Only $37.

7 weeks of encouragment in your inbox. Simple exercises to challenge your optimism muscles. And 7 full weeks of email support so if you have questions or specific circumstances that you’d like more clarification on how to apply these principles, you can get some guidance. 7 weeks of reflective worksheets so you can figure out what is working and what needs tweaking. This is a steal!

And of course it gets better. I’ll let you in on a little secret. The people who complete this course get a discount for my self-paced or 1:1 private mentorship. I’m not a discount kinda gal. This is one of only two places you can get any kind of a coupon for my two main offers.

It’s my way of adding some momentum to your new found optimism. Because if you can finish this course (less than 20% of people who buy a course actually finish it!…I know. Truly sad stats there.) than I know you are serious about changing your life for the better and that deserves a reward.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s do this!!!


Ready for a shift in your circumstances? Only $37