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How to Attract Ideal Clients Online

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Ahh Ideal Clients. The pinnacle of a thriving business. We all want ideal clients. At least those of us in this for the long haul.

Who is NOT an Ideal Client?

Working with just anyone will have you hitting burn out in no time. Some clients can suck the life and soul right out of a good business.

At the beginning of a business, it’s difficult to wrap our minds around turning away any paying clients. We want our business to succeed and start earning money. Often times we desperately need the income after investing in our own business.

But working with just anyone can lead to burnout. Some clients are demanding, fussy, or lazy.

They can question your entire process even though they have no idea how to do it better hence the reason they came looking for you in the first place.

But as soon as you ask them to do something outside of their comfort zone, you become some idiot who doesn’t know what you are talking about and they start giving all the excuses your approach won’t work for them.

And the nightmare clients will then bash your programs or business on every social channel they can find to justify their failure (yet again) because they were unwilling to change or do the work.

Or how about the client who expects you to be available 24/7 with responses to emails in 10 minutes or less even on Sundays?

How to Attract Ideal Clients Online

Who is an Ideal Client?

Good clients are like the peanut butter to your jelly. Or nutella if you prefer 😉

The clients I just mentioned above will have you packing up shop in months. They often quit a program before doing any of the work. They get no transformation or results. And then they demand a refund or bash you if they don’t get it.

Ideal Clients, Dream Clients, Raving Fans, a Solid Community

Call it what you want. It’s the backbone of your business. 

Your logo doesn’t matter. Your colors and themes don’t matter. Social media numbers…nope. Perfectly crafted worksheets and opt-ins nada.

If you don’t attract clients, you will not stay in business.

[bctt tweet=”An ideal client is someone who hears what you are saying on such a deep level that it causes an emotional response in them.” username=””]

An ideal client craves your solutions to their obstacles. They feel like you are their friend and understand where they are coming from.

An ideal client does the work you ask of them and because they put forth the effort, they get the transformation you speak of on your sales page.

How Do I Attract Ideal Clients?

You’ve read plenty of articles about branding. Most people assume branding is like packaging. It’s the pretty little logos and themes etc.

That is actually the smallest part of branding. A good great brand strategist will help you brand yourself!

If you are being authentic in everything you do and not trying to copy someone else’s success, this will be so much easier.

If you want help finding your authenticity again, I recommend this free five-day assessment.

It starts with everything you do for your business. You need to be the same person on Instagram as you are on Twitter. The same person in your email list and your blog posts.

For those of you who have never told a single person about your blog or online business, reality check. You have to be the same person online and off.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t have a little extra confidence online dealing with strangers than in your offline life. If your business does that for you great. But it does mean your core values have to be the same.

Every post on every channel, every email, blog post, discovery call, mastermind or coaching session should be done with the same intention in mind….

….to help your ideal client with whatever product or service you KNOW can deliver solid results for them.

Every single touchpoint is a chance for you to add trust, value, and build relations with your ideal client.

Is Your Business About You or the Client?

I’ve heard some say it’s all about the client. Poll the audience and deliver what they want.

The problem with this is that if it isn’t aligned or easy for you, you’ll never excel or stick with it. People won’t come to you because you’ll never be an authority at what they want.

I’ve heard others say do what you love. Build it and they will come. While I agree with this approach better, it still needs work.

You do need to do what you love and what you are good at. This is the only way you’ll attract ideal clients.

Trying to be someone you aren’t to give an audience what they need means you are attracting the wrong audience and they’ll best be served by someone else.

But you can’t do what you love and sit around waiting.

The touchpoints from blog post to social media to video, etc are all a chance to build their experience!

The journey you create along the way is their experience. It is 100% unique to each customer, but in order to create extraordinary client experience for everyone, no matter their journey, you have to cover all of your bases – ensuring every single touchpoint is not just meeting expectations, but exceeding them.

Respond and Engage. Don’t pretend to know what you don’t. Go find the answer. And when you do know the answers deliver them with passion and purpose for that client.

Partner Up to Level Up

This is the cold, hard, truth. Self-made is a myth. Every successful entrepreneur ever..had help. Even your beloved Oprah.

You don’t have to take on a traditional “partner”. But finding a skilled VA who gets your messaging is like finding gold at the end of a rainbow.

Hiring temporary help for tasks you suck at is just plain common sense.

Getting into a coaching program or mastermind can shave years from your business model if you find the right mastermind or coach for you!

Trying to do “all the things”, all alone, is a recipe for FAILURE.

We’re going to have some failures along the way. But let’s make sure lack of clients or exhaustion isn’t one of them.


Ready to partner up soon than later? Check out my work with me page if you’re ready for some high-end mindset coaching. Rise up!