People with a morning routine are routinely more successful. Now for those of you night owls who choose to sleep in, don’t fret. You can still have a morning routine even if you wake up a little later.
What you’ll get from this post:
- 5 Suggested Morning Routines for each of the Major areas of Life
- (Social, Emotional, Physical, Spiritual, and Financial)
- Product Suggestions and Tools to Make Sticking with a Routine EASIER
Maybe they should call it a “wake up routine” instead. Science proves getting up earlier will, in fact, make your days more productive so if you do sleep until noon, I’d strongly advise you work on rolling back your wake up hour.
I’ll never be one of those who gets up for cross fit at 5 am. I’m in my deepest part of my sleep cycle between 3:30 and 5:30. I like to get up between 7-7:30 but on school days I find myself dragging out of bed at 6:15 to get my kids ready.
According to Business Insider, and a study of 177 self-made millionaires, -more than half woke up at least three hours before starting their actual work day.
Did you catch that accurately?
This means they spend a solid three hours doing NON-WORK related activities to prep themselves for a better day. Those poor souls who pour themselves out the door with no breakfast, jacket in hand, checking emails on the way to the car,…smh. This is not the road to freedom or success.
*This post probably contains affiliate links. Purchases made through these links are at no additional cost to you and help support this blog. Massive Thanks!
I wanted to share five different morning routines. After-all, we aren’t all looking for the same type of results. Yes, we want success but every person defines success just a little bit differently depending on their values and priorities.
My goal with this is to give you a rough outline of five different routines.
I created one for each of the five basic areas of life: Social, Emotional, Physical, Spiritual, and Financial.
And don’t worry, they are not three hours long- unless you want them to be. The routines I created are meant to take up about 30-45 minutes. If you are ever running late, stick with the routine but shorten the length of time you do each activity.
Try not to skip because good habits require consistency. This is why it’s called a routine. Even a five-minute workout is better than no workout!
You will notice some overlap simply because those who take care of their bodies and minds have a better chance at any type of success than those who don’t.
So let me slip this simple principle by you. It doesn’t matter how great you start your day if you spend the entire rest of it sabotaging yourself.
If you’re looking for some serious clarity in your goals, take this free five-day assessement. Click the link below!!!

While those committed to morning routines generally use this as a launching point for a beneficial day, there are those who bust their butts working out at 5 am only to pound two greasy burgers and chili fries at lunch followed by way too many cocktails after work. What can I say, common sense seems to be less common lol!
For those of you with common sense to spare and some motivation let’s do this!
[bctt tweet=” You must be willing to step out of your comfort zone of ordinary to create extraordinary opportunities.” username=””]
P.S. Every routine requires you to get up, make your bed, and pour your coffee if it’s a requirement for keeping your eyes open. So let’s assume you have done these things first and then start on any of the routines below that fit with your desired goals.
A Morning Routine for Social Improvements
Friendship matters. We don’t need tons of friends. We need a few really good, loyal and supportive ones though. The easiest way to get and keep these types of people in our lives is to be this type of person. So you’ll want to start your day putting yourself in a place of gratitude and optimism. So once your up:
- Write in your gratitude journal for 3-5 minutes. Simple and Effective.
- Read something that feeds your soul. I recommend 365 books that have you reading a page-a-day. This will take all of 1 minute. Here are two of my favorites: A Daily Dose of Sanity and The Maxwell Daily Reader: 365 Insights For Developing the Leader Within you and Influencing Others.
- Send a friend an uplifting text message or voicemail. Say something meaningful and encouraging. Choose a different friend or family member each day of the week. You can include your significant other or spouse too.
- Set an Intention to Meet someone new or attend an activity. While you set this intention daily, aim for the results weekly or bi-weekly. This simply means that once every 7-14 days you should be taking a new class, attending an event, or just having coffee with someone you don’t see every day. You must be willing to step out of your comfort zone of ordinary to create extraordinary opportunities.
- To set an intention you simply visualize yourself getting an invite, buying the tickets, driving to the location etc. If you don’t get a lot of invites, take yourself to a high-school sports game and support your local youth or something similar. Just get out doing NEW things. You don’t need an invite to sign up for a dance or cooking class…JUST GO!
- Last, put some effort into your hair, makeup. Proven fact that we act more confident when we feel we look good. Check out this awesome primer by Loreal that makes my makeup look much more professional than it ever will be. In fact, I know 14 yr-olds that know better makeup tricks than me. This stuff works!
A Morning Routine for Emotional Well-Being
Paying attention to your mental health and well-being matters. I think way too many people just go, go, go on auto-pilot and forget to slow down for some real R & R.
I know people who don’t even know how to take a vacation. They plan out every last detail keeping themselves overly busy. Let’s work on that shall we?
- Meditate. 5-10 minutes. If you are new or don’t know how You-Tube has tons of Guided Meditations for every emotional block under the sun. But if you don’t want to wade through the millions of options this CD called Goodbye Worries is also a worthy resource.
- Exercise 10-15 minutes. Aim for something intensive since it is short. Jump roping, HIIT, Crossfit, boxing, circuit are all good options, so is intimacy so by all means if you have a partner, brush your teeth and go. The purpose is to create the chemical reaction in your body to dump good endorphins.
- Pamper Your Skin. Few things show stress as fast as our beautiful faces. I recommend the following three products:
- For washing: I use Olay Brightening Scrub available at any drugstore for about $6.
- For moisture: Artistry Hydra V- Moisture Cream or Youth Extend if you are closer to my age. I get a ton of compliments on my skin and these two products are the reason why most people don’t believe I already have teens! I have been using Artistry for over 10 years. Comes with a six-month guarantee when using my link and excellent for all skin types!
- For lines or wrinkles: ROC repairing serum duo. This stuff works but may be a little harsh for sensitive skin.
- PRO TIP: If you like expensive products but can’t afford the whole line, make sure your splurge is on the moisturizer which stays on your skin the longest and therefore has the most effect!
- Listen to Affirmations. Sometimes we need a little encouragement…or a lot. Jason Stephenson on YouTube is my favorite. Maybe it’s the Austrailian accent, or maybe just the fact that he is super uplifting. But I really like em.
A Morning Routine for Physical Fitness
I know why so many people work out early. It’s so they can get it over with before their brains wake up and talk them out of it lol. But seriously, taking care of our bodies matters. We get sick less often, have better self-esteem, and live a better quality of life.
[bctt tweet=”It doesn’t matter how great you start your day if you spend the entire rest of it sabotaging yourself.” username=””]
- Stretch. Even if you can’t manage to fit in a workout or if you are feeling under the weather, you can always find a little time to stretch and it won’t take much out of you. I like these bands because the different colors correspond to the resistance.
- Exercise 15-30. The best combo is something with weights and cardio. I like to do a 20/10 split with 20 focused on weights and 10 on cardio. I love these dumbells I got on Amazon. The neoprene coating makes them so much easier to hold. And if you aren’t ready for actual weights, these weighted gloves are a great alternative!
- Cook a Real Breakfast. Coffee does not a breakfast make. You need to add a little fresh fruit, eggs or another protein source, and yes carbs. You will not burn effectively if you eat garbage or…not eat at all. Both will lead to your body storing fat.
- Pack Your Lunch: Eating out or grabbing lunch on the run without planning leaves a whole lotta room for bad choices and sabotage. Besides, this lunchbox can keep your warm stuff warm and cold stuff cold.
A Morning Routine for Spirituality
Personally, I feel this area of our life is the one most often neglected which is unfortunate because it has the biggest effect on how well all the areas of our life work together. But if you are one who places a high value on this area of your life, this routine is for you.
- Pray. 3-5 Minutes. Express your gratitude and ask forgiveness, lay your worries, and share your dreams.
- Read Your Bible or Spiritual Guidance. 5-10 minutes. I was taught the answers, at least all the ones that matter, are in the Good Book. Seek and you shall find.
- Meditate. Learning to silence outside distractions is not easy but well worth the effort. To hear your inner guidance (Holy Spirit) or Intuition, you have to learn to mute the rest. Pick up a cozy little mat like this for extra inspiration.
- Reach Out to Someone. Helping others, or simply being there for them is a regular part of good spirituality. Showing love in friendship is one of the best ways you can accomplish this. Talk to someone lonely, give someone lunch, etc. Reach out.
A Morning Routine for Financial Success
Money is not the root of all evil and it is necessary for our lives. It helps to think of money like an exchange of energy. Many of us want to manifest more of this into our lives. It’s not the actual money we want. It’s the freedom, choices, and security that money can provide.
- Track Your Income and Expenses. Most people really suck at this. The Financial Peace Planner by Dave Ramsey is more than just a planner. This book is full of more routines and suggestions to get all the areas of your life into a good flow.
- Set a Realistic but Exciting Goal. Pick something that has meaning but that you are not overly attached to like some concert tickets or $500. in your savings account. Visualize how you would feel if it were materializing right this moment. Emotions play a vital role in making things come your way faster, so make your emotions as positive as possible.
- Read. Not just any read but books about releasing your money blocks. Here are four great ones.
- Get Rich Lucky B$tch
- Mindset Switch by fellow blogger Tonya Rineer
- Master the Money Game in 7 by Tony Robbins himself
- Think and Grow Rich, the original book on creating wealth
- Express Gratitude. Not just for what comes in, but also what goes out. This is the energy exchange I was talking about. Sure you have a vehicle payment but don’t you appreciate having a ride? The internet allows you to blog, do research, etc. Your house payment keeps you warm and dry. You get the idea. Use the journal you picked up using my link above for keeping a tab of all you are grateful for so the Universe has reasons to send you more abundance.
The purpose of a good morning routine is to make the path to success a little more defined and easier. Feel free to drop your favorite parts of your routines in the comments below!