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How to Crush Your Limiting Beliefs with the Power of Journaling

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Crush Your Limiting Beliefs

Do you love getting what you want? Yeah, me too. But most of the time, our doubts, fears, and limiting beliefs block us from getting what we really want and deep down, truly deserve.

That’s why I’ve teamed up with Sheila Joy of In Search of Sheila for an exciting project happening next week. Invites below. But how about a little taste test in the meantime? Sheila is an amazing woman and blogger who is transitioning into a totally free BOSS. She has made strides in her business this year. Not only that, her personal growth has been off the charts. This was intentional and actionable on her part.

How is this possible? She’s going to share one of the major cornerstones that have been pivotal in her explosive growth. The best part,….YOU CAN DO THIS TOO!

In this post, Sheila is going to chat how to overcome limiting beliefs that are holding you back from success. Whether it’s success in your career, blog, business, or personal life, if you’re feeling stuck and stagnant, keep on reading to learn how you can push through the blocks and come out on top!

Sheila’s Intentional Success

Hi there! First of all, I want to thank Deanna for granting me a platform to share some of my thoughts and tips with you all.

In this post, I want to share how to overcome self-limiting beliefs through the power of journaling. I’m SO excited to share this post with you all because journaling is very near and dear to my heart.

I’ve always kept a journal or diary since I was a little girl (luckily, I decluttered my life years ago and got rid of them lol!) and started getting back into it once I graduated from grad school two years ago.

Journaling is a very powerful tool for everyone and I especially encourage bloggers and entrepreneurs to make it into a daily habit. It will change your life!

I personally love to journal about everything because it helps to get my thoughts out of my head and onto paper. I make it a habit to journal every night before bed, which I truly believe has played a huge role in my success over the past year.

A lot of the limiting belief work I’ve done was written in between my personal and entrepreneur journal. I’ve been keeping an entrepreneur journal (that started as a blogging journal) about a year ago when I started shifting my blog into a business!

If you want to learn how I manifested my blog into a business, I wrote a whole blog post on it. Click here to read it next!

Looking back, you can see all the progress I’ve made…from the very beginning of struggling with my fashion blog…to my rebrand…to my blog’s growth… and to the next transition of becoming an entrepreneur.

And now I want to help you overcome YOUR limiting beliefs through the power of journaling!

Okay, let’s whip that journal out and start crushing those limiting beliefs!

[bctt tweet=”How to Crush Your Limiting Beliefs With the Power of Journaling” username=”searchofsheila”]

1. Identify Your Limiting Beliefs

Most of the time we have no idea what limiting beliefs we even have, so the first step is to do some exercises to help bring them to the surface!

Before I started my coaching business, I was really scared. I didn’t think I could become an entrepreneur. I was stuck in this blogger identity that I couldn’t get out of.

Through my journal work I realized that my liming beliefs revolved around not feeling “qualified” to be an entrepreneur and that people would judge me for trying to become one.

So I journaled. A lot.

I also work with the moon cycles, setting an intention with each new moon. The one I set for September-October was to start my entrepreneur journey with clarity and confidence. This was around the exact time my soon to be first coaching client reached out to work with me.

I was SO scared. I had built up a pretty good groove with my blog but knew that this was a sign from the universe that it was time to move on to bigger and better things.

How to Identify Limiting Beliefs

  1. Pick one area of your life you want to work on (i.e. blog, business, career, relationship)
  2.  Write down how you feel about those areas
    • How do you feel about where your (blog, business, etc.) is right now?
    • Why do you feel that way?
    • Go deeper…why do you feel that way?

By working through these exercises on my own, I was able to identify my limiting beliefs around turning my blog into a business.

Things I’ve told myself on my blog to business journey:

  • Who wants to take advice from me? I’m not an expert in anything
  • I’ll never make money with my blog
  • I don’t know anything about business. I can’t be an entrepreneur
  • No one will ever pay me for doing what I love
  • I’ll never be able to turn my blog into a full-time business. I’ll be stuck at a 9-5 forever

And these fears and doubts stemmed from a number of things, but mostly because of how I grew up feeling about money (soo many money blocks!)

But let me tell you…When you can forgive yourself for your failures, you will OPEN you up to receiving all the success in the world.

[bctt tweet=”When you can forgive yourself for your failures, you will OPEN you up to receiving all the success in the world.” username=”searchofsheila”]

2. Define Your New Beliefs

After you write down your limiting beliefs you can move on to the next step: defining your NEW beliefs!

Now, this is where the people who move on to success and those who stay held back diverge. Some people are totally ready to open themselves up to receiving success, while others hold themselves back.

Remember that you have a choice in all of this. You are the only one that can help yourself. You need to commit and take action. Above all else, you need to believe that it is possible to have abundance and success. If you still have blocks even after journaling, you might need to spend more time on your blocks or reach out for outside help.

How to define your new beliefs

Refer back to your list of limiting beliefs and write down your answers to these questions:

  1. Where do you want to be in your (blog, business, etc.) instead?
  2. Where are the gaps in between where you are now and where you want to be?
  3. How can you fill in those gaps?

Here are my new beliefs I tell now myself about my blog and business:

  • I easily make money with my blog and business
  • I know so much about business. I’m a girl boss!
  • People love paying me for doing what I love
  • I will turn my blog into a full-time business. I will leave my 9-5 this year!

3. Adopting Your New Beliefs

So now you’ve defined your new beliefs…but how are you going to burn them into your mind, so you truly believe that they are possible and true?

Writing in your journal on a regular basis!

When it comes to overcoming limiting beliefs, you can’t just go through the journal exercises in step 1 and 2 and expect success overnight.

It’s a process!

And part of the process is training your mind to trash your old belief systems and replace them with your new beliefs. In order to achieve success in the specific area of your life, you need to truly believe that you are capable of achieving it.

Establishing a consistent journaling habit will help you work through your old beliefs and help you train your brain to adopt new ones focused on SUCCESS.

[bctt tweet=”Establishing a journaling habit will help you CRUSH your limiting beliefs.” username=”searchofsheila”]

For me, I didn’t overcome my fears and doubts of becoming an entrepreneur overnight (although that would have been nice!)

It took WORK. I consistently wrote in my entrepreneur journal about my accomplishments AND the things that didn’t quite work (a.k.a. my failures!)

I didn’t dwell on the mistakes and failures or deny them, I wrote about them and why they happened. And then I wrote about what I learned from them to course correct for the future.

With the combination of tracking your accomplishments, failures, and how you feel about them…you will slowly train your brain to trash your old beliefs and replace them with the new!

Bonus Tip: Using affirmations in your regular journal practice is another great way to help you adopt your new beliefs!

Want to learn more about how to kick limiting beliefs in the butt and attract success into your life?

Deanna and I will be co-hosting a FREE live manifesting workshop with Stephanie of CreatingWithin on March 28 and March 31!

Here’s what we’ll be covering:

  • The 4 big manifesting myths that are holding you back from getting what you want
  • How the Law of Attraction works, explained & simplified
  • The 4-step process to manifesting anything you want that you can start implementing right away
  • How to create your own manifesting ritual so you can master the process & improve your craft every day
  • The secret to attracting abundance on autopilot that the wildly successful boss babes don’t talk about!

We can’t wait to see you there!!

Sheila has transitioned her business into photography, where she helps busy women create stunning images for their social media sites, website, or other image needs. You can find her on Instagram at Sheilajoyphotography!