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How Fear Sabotages Success

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Fear Sucks Out Our Hope

Warning, I might get a little real with you today. And I won’t apologize for it either. If you are not in a place of fulfillment, I’d be willing to bet a whole stack of Vegas chips that Fear is standing in your way.

So many people want success, however they define it.

Relationships, fitness, career, faith, social standing, sense of self, wealth, health, happiness, a white picket fence with two kids and a dog…etc.

You know what these things have in common? You and Fear.

Fear is what holds people back from living an amazing life. A life where you really chase after and CATCH what you DESERVE. Fear keeps us wrapped up in a little comfort zone that is anything but comfortable.

Some people do the chasing but never catch anything and others give up going after what they truly want at all.

[bctt tweet=”I feel a twinge of pain every time I meet someone who is more attached to their negativity and pain than they are to their hopes and dreams.” username=””]

For some, it’s a battering down of the self-esteem that happened over the course of many years. Society is all too good at conditioning us to fear. We are taught to fear spending money, fear going after a really big dream, fear setting our boundaries, fear saying the wrong thing in front of people. I know you know exactly what I am talking about because I have never met a person with 100% confidence who is completely fearless.

How Fear Sabotages Success

For others, it’s a one-off event that kicks them back and fires up their doubt. They were rejected by a college, relationship, or job. Divorced, fired, or manipulated.

Call it negativity, mind-blocks, limiting beliefs, or whatever other labels you want to put on it.

It’s Fear.

This four letter word works like a wrecking ball working overtime.

[bctt tweet=”Fear is what holds people back from living an amazing life. A life where you really chase after and CATCH what you DESERVE. ” username=””]

We settle into a job that isn’t what we want for far less pay than we deserve, convincing ourselves that we need to work our way up the ladder. Says who?

Fearful people who were afraid to charge their worth, start their own business, or apply for something bigger and better. People who half-attempted their dreams and gave up so they try their hardest to convince others they can’t make it either.

Or worse, our own parents who taught us that we had to bust our butts day in and day out to earn money. Because you know that stuff is scarce (lie) and doesn’t grow on trees.

We sabotage a relationship out of fear because we might miss out on something, fear that we are being held back, fear that things are too good to be true and won’t last, fear that we won’t live up to another’s expectations. We hold our love hostage out of fear that we will be misused or discarded.

Or worse, stay in a relationship of abuse or neglect because we don’t think we deserve or can do any better (lie).

What about keeping our mouths shut when we should say something. Speaking up for ourselves or those we love. Asking for a raise when we are working our butts off.

This can really backfire when we could have solved an argument easily by saying something early on before it festers into a huge problem, at which point someone implodes and it all goes south after resentment has reached a boiling point.

I’ve even heard people use fear-based excuses for getting their minds and bodies into shape. They hold onto self-limiting beliefs and excuses. Because you know, what if they fail? What if they embarrass themselves or don’t meet their goals on time. I can’t stand the “what if” crap. It’s never used in a positive context. I always tell people to use “Why not?” instead.

So How Do You Define Success?

Are you looking to be your own boss? Do you want financial freedom? Travel? Family? What is really important to you. If you are unsure I urge you to take this free five-day challenge. As a bonus, I have added a PDF version on day number 3. I just want people to really work on the first two days homework because dang it, that stuff is important for setting yourself back on track to a life you really want to be living!

I’m not going to carry on about how to get rid of your fears in this post. But that challenge I just mentioned is a great place to start.

What I’d love to hear from you, is what fears have been holding you back? If they are little fears go ahead and share in the comments below because you just might inspire a member of our crew to take action on their own if they can relate.

But I’d love for you to get a little personal and send me an email. What lies, fears, doubts, and obstacles have held you back from living an amazing, more fulfilling life each and every day?

If you had a fairy godmother with her wand, what would you ask her for?

Even more so, please, please, please share any success stories you have had about overcoming any self-sabotage, doubting beliefs, or fear in your life! I really want to know. Your feedback will inspire parts of my new coaching program coming this summer. How cool is that!

Thank you all so much for your involvement and feedback. You are truly amazing and deserve miracles!


P.S. I’m not immune to fear. I worked my tail off to overcome limiting beliefs and lies I was conditioned to think were true. We are all works in progress and I still have to face blocks once in a while and dismantle them!