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19 Self-Affirmations to Brighten Your Day

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Affirmations have this great way of defining, or rather redefining who we think we can be, therefore when repeated with belief can genuinely alter who we believe ourselves to be. Eventually, this should mold you into a better or best version of yourself.

[bctt tweet=”, therefore when repeated with belief can genuinely alter who we believe ourselves to be” username=””]

I love listening to the soothing voice of Jason Stephenson videos at night before I go to sleep. He has several affirmation videos available on YouTube.

Today I chose 19 affirmations to share with you. Below each affirmation is a little clip about why I feel these are important things to say to ourselves. Not only should you say them, but you should believe them.

And if for any reason you don’t believe one or two of these things about yourself, then I guess you have a starting point for some character building.19 Self Affirmations to Brighten Your day

19 Self-Affirmations

I am accomplishment.

Aren’t you? Sure we all have more things we want to accomplish. But you have accomplished things in this life. It starts as early as learning how to hold our own bottles and walking, school, learning how to make friends, etc. You are accomplished and accomplishment.

I am purpose.

You have a purpose. No, you don’t have to spend your whole life trying to figure it out either. Your purpose is simply to be you. Be the best you that you can possibly be. Walk your path and strut your stuff. That is your purpose.

Your purpose is simply to be you. Be the best you that you can possibly be.

I am capable.

Yes you! You are capable of so many things. Not all things. And none of us are. But many, many, many, wonderful, amazing, things. I bet there is at least one thing you are more capable of than most others. Our talents range from quirky to inspiring and everything in-between. And it’s not a competition. Your capabilities are wonderful and amazing.

I am important.

I don’t care how anyone has ever treated or mistreated you. You are important. We all are. Even if people fail you or fail to make you feel important, know that you are unique, loved, and important. The creator of all things chose to weave you into exactly the individual you are. No one is just like you or me. Similar maybe, but we’re all important and unique.

I am intuitive.

This is that awesome little voice that generally tells you if you should or should not make a leap. Call it conscience or guts, moral compass or virtues. We are all intuitive to some degree. Some follow their heads and others their hearts. Neither is wrong. Some people choose to live more logically while other’s take more chances with their hearts. Your intuition is unique to you.

[bctt tweet=” Some follow their heads and others their hearts. Neither is wrong.” username=””]

I am trustworthy.

At least I hope you are. Reminding yourself that you are trustworthy will hold you more accountable to be so. This is an invaluable trait to have. “Yeah, I just couldn’t be her friend or spouse, she was too trustworthy.” said NO ONE EVER.

I am optimistic.

Since starting this site I have written about optimism far more than I had originally intended. No regrets. Seeing that glass half full isn’t enough. You should see the potential of the empty half as well. What could you put in that space to make it so much better? Seeing things with optimism will help deter you from getting sucked into negative patterns of thought. This determines how long a negative situation lasts. While in hell, don’t get a hotel. Optimism will make sure you don’t check in.

[bctt tweet=”Seeing that glass half full isn’t enough. You should see the potential of the empty half as well. ” username=””]

If you really want to live your life to it’s fullest I encourage you to join my Free five-day assessment.

I am dependable.

Be who you say you are. Do what you say you are going to do. Again this is an excellent trait to have. When you have traits like these, you tend to attract friends. As long as you don’t allow others to take advantage of you, this is a good thing. Those with good friends and support are generally happier people. You are dependable.

I am spontaneous.

Oh, spontaneity. I work on this one. This is especially important in romantic relationships or friendships that are very long-term. Don’t become boring. Be spontaneous. Take chances. Learn new things. Grow, change, and experience the new…together or alone. Just keep on trying to expand yourself as an individual.

I am generous.

I hope you are. This is a component of being a good human being. No one ever amassed anything worth having by being greedy.

I am unlimited.

The only limits we have on ourselves are the ones we put there. Of course, you might say that a man paralyzed from the neck down won’t be running a marathon anytime soon but then he could just have a buddy push along his chair now couldn’t he? We have so many opportunities around us. If one door shuts, please knock on another. If you don’t see on, create one.

I am gifted.

Most of us have running water, clean sheets, and warm clothes. Our water is safe to drink and we have access to food and medications. If you don’t feel gifted than I suggest you visit Uganda, Cambodia, or another poverty-stricken nation. If you are reading this, you even have an internet connection. Yes friends, you and I are gifted indeed.

I am necessary.

The creator of the universe picked you to enter at just this time into just this place. Sometimes we wonder why now, why this family, why this place, etc. It’s not for us to understand, only accept. You are here for a reason and you are necessary.

I am pursuing.

Always learn and grow. There is a huge difference between knowledge and wisdom. One can learn their whole lives. But using that knowledge in a way that betters yourselves and the lives around you, that is wisdom. Strive and pursue wisdom.

I am overcoming.

Every single one of us has been through some kind of adversity. Big or small, I’ve never met someone who has never experienced any at all. Just know that you are overcoming. All the time, we overcome bad hair days, bad work days, and car breakdowns. We overcome losing love, losing family, and sometimes our hope. Having a solid spiritual life will help you overcome more than you ever dreamed possible.

I am finishing.

Be accountable. Finish the things you start if they are important and let go of what is not. That too is a way of finishing.

I am attractive.

Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder and let’s hope that the beholder is you. While it’s always nice to be paid a good compliment to the way we look, it’s far more important that you feel attractive to yourself. Guess what? If you are a kind, decent, and trustworthy person, you should feel very attractive. What other’s think will vary based on perception but kindness has never been perceived as ugly so far as I know. When it comes to looks some will find you bland while others may find you strikingly beautiful. [bctt tweet=”But generosity, love, smiles, and honesty, those are beautiful on anyone.” username=””]

I am hopeful.

Hope is a pretty long word. So much rides on it. Choose to have hope every day. Hope for miracles, hope for love, hope for amazing days, hope to be the best you can be, hope for your family and friends, hope for a great future. Choose hope because not choosing hope is the opposite of wisdom.

I am loved.

Yes, you are. Hopefully, you know this and hear it every single day. Not just hear it but believe it deep down in your soul. But if you struggle with it, I encourage you to know that there is a reason none of us are identical. We are created uniquely for many reasons and loved for every single fiber of those reasons. Mostly I hope that you love yourself because when you do, many great things start to fall into place.


Click here for even more affirmations on success and self-worth.