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Free 5 Day Challenge is Here-Love Your Life

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Happy Thursday My Lucky Love Life Crew!

Okay, so I am a little enthusiastic. I am so excited about this 5-day challenge because I like to help people and I participated in something kind of like this back in 2007.  Also wrote about some of the content in my college thesis back in the day!

I created this challenge because, while I think there are tons of great self-help articles and books out there, many fail to address some core needs that should be addressed before the information in the books can really sink in. This challenge was designed to do that for you. Click here to join the 5 day email challenge!

We don’t want to build a self-help library. We want to read, apply, and pass on to the next person who needs it right?

Most of you probably know the analogy of the ship at sea. If the compass is off even a few degrees, well doesn’t matter much in the beginning but a while later, lost at sea! This is so true for our lives. My hope is to help put you back on your true north no matter how far you have detoured, yep that’s my goal and hopefully your’s too.

This world can be a negative, draining, exhausting place if you allow it to creep in and overtake you but it can also be a beautiful, dazzling, and awe-inspiring place when you live true to yourself and open your eyes to all the wonder.

We aren’t guaranteed a tomorrow so we need to enjoy the todays. We need to be living a life we love. One we can’t wait to hop out of bed for and the sooner you live true to yourself, the sooner that feeling of eagerness arrives and everyone around you benefits.

I sincerely hope all of you who sign up get as much out of the exercises and actionable strategies as I did. In fact, I hope you get so much more. I honestly believe most of us deserve to live an amazing life filled with big and small miracles on a regular basis.

5 Day Challenge

Conquer Your Self-Limiting Beliefs

Tell Your Doubts to Get Lost! Free Mini-Workbook to Identify and Challenge your Limiting Beliefs and Doubts so you can Accomplish all you Desire and Deserve!

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Don’t sweat it if it takes you more than 5 days. A few of the exercises took me a couple of days to do with some real thought behind them. Just keep going and make it to the last day of the challenge.

A special thank you to all the inspiring bloggers I have met recently. Holley, Sherri, Sarah, Abby, Melyssa, Kelly, and Krista are a few I have been so grateful to have conversed with. Hoping to make some lasting connections not just with other bloggers, but so many of you in my audience as well.

I believe luck is something we have some say in, and we should strive to improve it.

I believe love is one of the most influential parts of our life story and we should make the most of it every day, never taking it for granted.

And I believe life, well, life should be lived fully and joyfully in a way that inspires others to smile when they just look at you.

Join me and our community in this challenge. Let’s improve our luck, our love, and our lives!
