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Sneak Peek-The Negative Nix/Positive Pump Challenge

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Today is going to be Awesome. I am Positive of it.


Because today is the day I make even more progress toward my goals. A few in particular that I am working extra hard on. I am not worried about tomorrow, a week from now, or a year from now.

[bctt tweet=”Just focusing on what steps I can take right now, today, in an effort to contribute to what I am trying to achieve.” username=””]

This fine Monday,  I decided to share a sneak peek at my Negative Nix/Positive Pump challenge coming out on Thursday. This is a series of emails that challenges you to change and tweak a few things to make a noticeable impact on your life (update: this is now in ebook format). Like a ship rerouting the course for true North.

We don’t like to be off course. It doesn’t feel good and we don’t live up to our purpose, whatever that may be. Positive Pump Challenge

Here is the first little snippet:

You’re worthy of a great life. You deserve miracles and good things. You can turn your life into an amazing journey that you love a little more each day.

How? If life has delivered a series of blows or repeated defeats it’s only human to ask and question the process.

Well, let’s start with creating some new habits. Reprogramming our thoughts can be a strange process but it doesn’t have to be difficult. The biggest obstacle is our own belief system. Do you believe and are you open to the idea that life can be better? Do you believe you are worthy, good, deserving, amazing, and loved?

Once we wrap our minds around this thought process, the rest gets easier, I promise.

Have you ever tried to implement strategies and tips for making your life easier or happier only to end up with the same result and feeling twice or ten times as discouraged because yet another program or course did not work for you?

[bctt tweet=”Do you believe and are you open to the idea that life can be better?” username=””]

I see this often in courses that address the fluff and stuff of life without addressing our core beliefs and values. There are some good courses out there but until we move away from the state of mind that got us to where we are, they may as well be asking us to read instructions for putting together a rocket in a foreign language.

One of the most difficult moments of my transformation journey was accepting that I was responsible for many of the things that were happening in my life. That I was not a victim of bad luck, but I was subconsciously drawing in all the negative things. We get what we focus on and I was focused on what I didn’t want, instead of what I did. I was raised to wait for the other shoe, and so I was. I was taught that life was a struggle and hard work, and so it was.

The Challenge

The reason I created this positive change challenge because I know there are heaps of self-help books and information that people have read and scratched their heads thinking, now what?

The information was there. It was good and helpful information but the reader wasn’t in a state of mind to receive or believe what they were reading. I feel like all self-help books should come with a self-assessment workbook to complete before one even starts reading.

Ponder this. Let’s say someone were to invite you to a free/all expenses paid weekend seminar for learning how to travel anywhere for nearly free. You pack your bags and get pumped. You’re going to have a blast and figure this free travel thing out. But when you get there the speaker starts pitching advanced timeshare trading tips.

You don’t own a timeshare, let alone multiple ones. Nor do you know anyone who does. You aren’t ready for this kind of information and the whole weekend you sit there as very little actually sinks in. Thank God the drinks and snacks are free. That’s the only positive thought you have all weekend.

Well just about any self-help query is the same. You have to be primed and ready before you can believe and receive the information. Most people buying or checking these types of books out are at least curious about making some positive changes to their lives. But being curious and being ready are two different things.

Snippet #2

  • accepting struggles and difficulties as the normal
  • running away or constantly starting over in hopes of a different outcome
  • letting our appearance go, not caring about how we dress or look
  • dropping out of hobbies we love/depression or anxiety
  • settling for less than what we truly want
  • avoiding social situations and isolating ourselves
  • feeling ashamed or disappointed in ourselves on a regular basis

The way this habit shows up is variant and dependent on individual personalities but it is a wrecking ball doozy of a habit to have. And in my opinion hands down the one that ruins the hopes and dreams of many amazing and deserving people.

Other people will hurt you. People you love and people who love you both intentionally and unintentionally. You can’t change that and the best response is to love them back as best you can and let go of the ones who are purposely hurtful (even if they are family. Family members do not get a special pass to treat you like dirt and you can cut them loose if you need to.)

But you can determine how you talk to and treat yourself and since you are always inside your own head you’d better make darn sure you are nice to yourself, as often as possible!!!!!

How do you know if this habit has invaded your life? The signs above are the more obvious ones but ask yourself a few of the questions below.

  1. Do you find meaning in your day to day activities or are you just paying the bills and putting one foot in front of the other?
  2. Do the people you have surrounded yourself with support and encourage you or hold you back and condemn your choices?
  3. When you talk about your dreams or goals are you excited and charged up or do you feel embarrassed and ashamed?

Do you accept a positive challenge?

I like a good challenge. Especially one that promises to peak my positive outlook on life. I hope you will join us. Do it for you. Do it because you’re amazing and worth it. And mostly because you want to crush the heck out of your goals and achieve your dreams.

xoxo– Deanna

P.S. If your goal is to start your very own blog you can hop over here and see the process I used.