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A Blog In Bloom-Planting Success

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Starting Month Two-Blog Beginnings

So I am starting my second month of blogging and what an adventure! I kinda compare blogging to gardening. Starting the blog is like planting a seed and all the things you do in the beginning are prepping it for serious growth. My last blogging post had some goals set out for the week that I was hoping to accomplish. I finished a few of those and was distracted by a few other side projects that proved to be equally as productive.

So what did I not get accomplished? , well

  • I connected with two more bloggers, but not in my niche♥.
  • I still have not decided on a new header or color scheme for my site.
  • Waiting for a call back to set up and LLC or S-Corp.
  • I need to set up the Amazon Affiliate account.

I was able to do a few of these things though,

  • Resized some of my photos.
  • Create a Pin for Pinterest.
  • Install a Pin it Button for my blog posts.
  • Search Alt Tags and how to make them more effective.
  • Google Analytics (click this link to get detailed instructions on linking WordPress to google analytics) Took me a whole five minutes. There is now an Insights tab on my left control panel in WordPress. I can click on it and soon will be able to see all kinds of data on my website.
  • Installed a widget for a photo in my sidebar.
  • Finished Reading/Going through Browser to Buyer, a 3 step framework for starting a blog proper.

*This page contains affiliate links that may result in compensation by this site at no additional cost to you. Thanks for helping fund my road trip!

Starting a blog. Planning for a blog

Setting Blog Goals

I have set aside a big block of time this upcoming weekend to knock out some technical tasks, although I need to write too. I’d like to get my ConvertKit account in place and spend some quality time on my opt-in incentive.

While I was super excited to get my about me photo linked into my sidebar, I was not as excited to see it also shows in my about me page. Looks odd seeing a thumbnail of the same photo right next to my full-screen bio. Going to have to do some research on that.

Why do I share these little mishaps? So all you blogging newbies can relate and not feel discouraged when the little things drive ya crazy! Any blogger that sugar coats her/his journey to make it seem like it all fell into place just right…is Pinocchio.

I am definitely connecting some dots. The things that I have read about blogging being a ton of work are so true. But I was never fooled into thinking blogging was ever going to be a get rich quick scheme. I am willing to work my booty off in exchange for control over my own pay and time off.

The thing is, a person could actually end up losing time investing in a blog. You have to find balance. Work hard but smart. The whole point, at least for me, was to free up time not consume it all with endless research and work.

Up Next


While drafting this post, I was able to get my ConvertKit account up and running. I wrote a three-piece welcome series. Part one was an intro and what my new friends can expect when they sign up with me. I’ll be adding a free opt-in shortly. I also talk about who I can and cannot help. I’d rather have a devoted following of people who are looking for what I offer than a huge list of half-interested people who are not engaged.

Part two is a more detailed version of why I started blogging and three is a call to action. I ask my readers to engage and give me some feedback, drawing a little inspiration from the 80’s. Six months from now I may wish I had set some things up differently but I am proud that I am doing it. Better than waiting six more months to start at all. Well, off to Canva for some more lessons!

-xoxo Deanna

P.S. Motivational Tip: I have been using a bright colored sharpie and writing things on my calendar that I accomplished for my blog. Exp (April 10th- Set up ConvertKit Account). This way if I see any gaps I know to kick it up a notch or two.

Update: To start your blog and build your dream today click here.