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Luck- You can Influence Your Luck

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Do You Have Good Luck?

Do you know anyone who seems to just explode with good luck? I do. I swear he grows four-leaf clovers instead of mold on his leftovers. I’m totally not kidding:)

I also know a few people that seem to have a cursed rain cloud following them every step of their lives. In order to improve your luck, you first need to assess your feelings about it. Do you believe that luck is something you can or cannot influence?

Some believe in fate, which means you’ll get what you get no matter what because it is all determined in advance. This theory holds that all things good and bad just happen because they are meant to happen. There is a saying that quotes “the meeting of two souls is never a coincidence”. Some read this to mean that all meetings and events are predestined.

While I kind of agree with the statement, I do not agree with the way it is often interpreted. I think our thoughts and attitudes along with a little free will go a long way. We can draw in and resist events, people, and places with our beliefs and thoughts.

Is Karma Luck?… Not Exactly

Karma? More controversy. Karma insists that people believe you get what you give or what goes around comes around. But can you make a list of people the karma train forgot?

We all know someone who deserves a stubbed toe or a flat tire for making others feel like dirt. Instead, they get a promotion and a raise. How about the super nice lady that fixes your coffee every Sunday afternoon who can’t catch a break?Influence and Change Your Luck

My guess is that if you are still reading this, you don’t want karma or fate making your decisions. You’d like to find a way, or believe that you can change and influence your own luck.

What is Luck?

Good news friends, you can! Luck is defined by the dictionary as; a force that brings good fortune or adversity. a force that operates for or against an individual.

Do you remember science class? Newton described force and motion. Both can be influenced. Forces can be reckoned with. You can alter your luck. In fact, whether you realize it or not, you already are.

Ouch. It really stinks to hear that if your luck has been pretty lousy. That whole glass half full or half empty thing holds some credibility. People that see themselves as unlucky, generally attract more negative circumstances.

I have definitely been in this category before. The great news is that there are some actionable steps you can take to improve your luck. These are not always easy, especially if you are resistant to change or have strong doubts about your self-worth. Negativity can be etched in pretty deep after years of being in the trenches.

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Changing Our Luck

If you read my last article, you know I suggest a few gradual steps at a time. Maybe you are confident and can implement several of the steps below simultaneously. But if you can manage one thing a day without worrying about next week or next month, that’s a great start. So read on and try a few of these methods if you want to bend luck in your favor.

  • Break out of a routine. Let’s face it. Routines can be very comfortable. Some are necessary. By all means stick to your morning brush, floss, workout, eat, get ready for work, drag kids to the car routine. But if your Friday or Saturday evenings are predictable, please do something different. I don’t mean a new nightclub or a comedy instead of a drama. I suggest a dance class, art class, cooking for couples, wall climbing, concerts, etc.

Have you seen Date Night with Tina Fey and Steve Carell? They take this to the extreme and it’s hilarious but seriously, they acknowledge their rut and address it by forcing their way out of their comfort zones. People with good luck have this in common. They expose themselves to new environments and people consistently.

Attract Your Luck

  • Hang out with your luckier friends. Instead of ruminating on their good fortune, take the time to observe their behavior. That whole, “birds of a feather flock together” saying has some merit. Misery loves company but so does happiness. What are some things you notice about your lucky friend’s behavior and attitude? What kind of events do they expose themselves to or what do they say when they are having an off day?

I’m not suggesting you abandon your negative unhappy crowd permanently. Okay, you may have a few cords you need to snip later, but ideally, any negative BFF’s will follow your lead as you transition into lucky awesomeness.

  • Put yourself in another’s shoes. Think of the luckiest person you know. Visualize their day, their week, maybe even a month or a year. Think of all the lucky things they have been through in the last year. Now rewind and pretend that all of those things happened to you. You got the new car. You got the fat engagement ring from the dreamy guy. Imagine you are the one who lost 10 lbs and moved into your ideal home.

Yes I know, these things didn’t actually happen. But you need to realize that they can and how good it would feel if you were open to the idea.

Be Open To Possibilities and Opportunities

Sometimes it is very difficult to picture the things we truly want. Often we have lost hope and don’t even remember what we actually want. So it is easier to start by picturing yourself in someone else’s shoes in the beginning. Then shift into your own desires. Visualization can be very powerful when done for the purpose of setting things in motion. It’s the driving force behind dream boards, scripting, and some meditation. This practice can change your viewpoint. Glass half full anyone?

  • Law of Attraction. Ask. Believe. Receive. Have Faith. I won’t go into too much detail in this article but the visualization above plays into this. Make a list of some things you’d like to see happen in the next 90 days. How much do you believe you could have these things? Obviously, you aren’t going to see a Bentley in the driveway in three months but what about that new dress you have been eyeing in the department store. How about a new friend in your life?

Something that may help is to find some positive affirmations. Go to YouTube and type in positive affirmations. Find a video that is at least twenty minutes long. Listen to these using earbuds as you drift off to sleep. It’s free and it’s a simple actionable step you can take to help curb negativity. We often don’t realize how we talk to beat ourselves up.

  • Rid yourself of clutter. I know it sounds completely unrelated to luck but I promise it will help. Clutter is overwhelming and causes anxiety. Anxiety is a natural enemy of good luck. The show Hoarders showcases the extreme side of stress and depression that is associated with collecting so much stuff. Life, especially a happy productive life, is not about stuff.

Make Room For Luck in Your Life

So your place is tidy and feels like an oasis, I am super happy for you. If not, trying to organize a whole house all at once can be a bit much depending on the level of clutter you’re dealing with. If it’s extreme, start with something as simple as your silverware drawer. Dump it out, clean it out, and only put back that which you truly need. Don’t just dump half of it in another drawer. Donate it or throw it away.

People who intend to sell, rarely do. Then move on to the refrigerator or your sock drawer. Who cares as long as you start somewhere and stay consistent. One a day.

If your place is not extreme, start with a whole room. The bedroom is the best place to start. A bedroom should be a soft, relaxing place to end your day and an inviting, invigorating place to start it. Part with those clothes you haven’t worn in ages, clean out from under the bed. If it’s in your budget buy those new linens you’ve been wanting. Make your room look like the cozy hotel picture. Trust me, you’ll love it.

Try one or a few of the steps above. They are small habit changes that people can see results from quickly.

Perspective Matters

I will be writing about the deeper level stuff in the future. A while back I came to a place in my life where I decided to take charge of my luck. I was not successful at first and encountered many obstacles. None bigger than my own belief system.

I felt like the poster child for an umbrella company in the Sahara. If a storm was to be found, it was right over my head. Then I realized, a rainstorm in the Sahara would be a blessing. The desert needs water. Simple mind shifts friends 🙂
